My DNA test shows 9% Scots- Irish validating Grandma Johnson verbal history and my own sense of  it - must be in the blood.  Go Green! 


Advanced creators usually are aware of areas that need work, and have various tools to use.  Here's one to try if okayed by your Higher I:  Take a flashlight and shine on the physical area a few minutes or if it's mental/emotional then shine on the relative chakra until you feel a shift.  If you don't know where to focus then shine on your solar plexus aka the intuitive bridge to Higher I until it talks to youYou may receive idea/message what to do/it may release on it's own or the light may reveal what caused it. 


Mercury Retrograde has extra slow motion so good time to do review and release/ride it out. 


Do you know how powerful you are?  Are you sure?  ie do you have negative opinions about yourself, friends, family, not to mention those outside your circle and the world at large?  Even those among the advanced admit they do, so here's a reminder to change your mind a la Neville and stand back and watch the result! We imagine/create our own reality and if you don't believe it, then it won't be true for you --- which proves that you do.


Just a rehash of using  HoOponopono process, remember we that we are taking responsibility for our programming/beliefs creating whatever we're addressing, maybe software playing, brainwashing domestication etc.  We are releasing it back to the Divine aka SuperConscious to Zero, meaning flatten the charged particles.  Just use it.


Yesterday chatting with someone about our word is creative, I made the mistake of using health issues as an example. . .NOT!  When I said "Look for the payoff" they went totally blank and I realized they didn't want to know since their chronic health issues are an important part of their life-- I quickly changed the subject and went into  HoOponopono processing! Thank you Thank you, Thank you.....


Just a reminder - if you dedicate to the HoOponopono process, your focus is on that rather than your issues/conditions.  This is reminds me of my concept  of TM (Transcendental Meditation) where you repeat your mantra until you're present/no thinking?  I never took TM so dunno, but read a bit online including one article, perhaps poor mans version,  that said "Coca Cola" was theirs. gotta luv it!  Whatever way you choose, remember it's an inner thing not outer.  Reality mirrors the inner world.


The Action Planet Mercury is in the pre-retrograde phase now and goes retrograde March 5 so is the perfect time to use HoOponopono and clean, clean, clean. Edgar Cayce said "The stars impel not compel" so clean on that too!  I don't know about you, but I have experiences/beliefs about astrology so if that sounds familiar join me cleaning a la Dr Hew Len 'Thank you' - use it on everything.  Don't worry about how it works  or if you're doing it right (I don't know how electricity works but still use it, nor how airplanes fly? The Divine Superconscious will return it to zero  (zero means there's no charged particles empowering it). You may discover many layers to clean so just continue until it goes flat.