Those just beginning to practice HoOponopono processing may be appalled at what grabs their attention ie daydreaming about good times they had, replaying negative confrontations, war in the Middle East etc.  If this sounds familiar, it's egoic mind seeking dominion again/or computer generated reality software!  Instead, use "Thank you" to handle.  It's a detached means to return to Source/The Universe/subconscious mind, flatten those charged particles on create.  Remember, you don't need to understand how it works - just use it! 


Here's more insight on HoOponopono processing positive and negative both.  Eckhart Tolle says his secret is "I don't mind what happens", meaning he's unresistant, there's the key. When we remain present The Universe shifts toward Right For Us conditions and experiences so remember, what we resist persists, and remain neutral by processing what gets our attention with "Thank You".  


What to do when HoOponopono doesn't seem to help?  When that happens keep cleaning on the beliefs it exposes and process through the layers.  I've been amazed at the beliefs/charged particles that keep creating.   


Practicing HoOponopono Thank you constantly takes some time to form the new habit.  I catch myself reverting to egoic mind worry and bother, and rededicate,  as the rewards are self evident.  Some don't understand why they should apply this to socalled positive conditions?  How many times have you thought something was positive then it turned into a detour or entrapment/disaster?  Most know what I mean, and are definitely motivated to apply the process to everything trusting Source/Super-conscious mind to process accordingly.  Just do it and see for yourself.


Maybe I'm preaching to the choir but just a reminder when in need go straight to Source within.


Many who practice HoOponopono do so behind the scenes.  They see that some don't understand it and reject it, besides the many who actually LOVE their issues and don't want to part with them, its the dynamic they're exploring.  Move on and release  to Superconscious discretion. Others prefer to view it as software and don't take it personally, continuing to  practice processing.  Some offer  clearing cleaning assistance  online, but remember you can do it yourself per Dr Hew Len (YouTube). Just do it. 


Are you wondering why projects aren't successful?  Often because they have a #1 goal already installed so their newer one withers on the vine for lack of attention. What you're doing now reveals what your main goal is, whether consciously chosen or not.  If you desire to change you must impress The Universe with tunnel vision on the new goal backed up with action (if you can't keep your mind on it then don't bother - it hasn't sufficient energy to happen).  Focus/concentration empowers our desires.


Just a reminder when you're using the "Thank you" HoOponopono tech that you are releasing whatever caught your attention, negative or positive, back to Source/Infinite Intelligence/Divinity/god/dess where the charged particles are flattened back into energy.  Some find it easier to manage if they think of it as software.


Do you hold on tightly to your beliefs or observe as a 3rd party?  Advanced creators know that many if not most beliefs originate elsewhere or at best are domestication and/or  brainwashing by mostly well meaning parents, society, religion or even government - egoic mind conditioning, software playing or worst case mindcontrol by whoever it is in charge (or all of these).  We all know others dominated by their issues/beliefs who loudly insist their health, financial status, relationships etc prove the point that is just another implanted belief.  Watch for it when they begin their monologue word or word replaying the software recording that they view as proof it's true. My advice is don't bother to enlighten them, rather allow them their experiences.  Your essence radiating outward will shift those ready for it.


Have you seen that gorgeous SuperMoon?  Don't miss it! The lunar rays inspiring change and insights, reveal opportunities for those ready for expansion re A New Earth.  How far can this energy wave carry us?  Those on the Ascension path will want to remain alert as vibrations are raised, Stargates open or Starships land ?   Set no limits. 


Adding  the Lord's Prayer chakra balancing along with constant repetitive HoOponopono "Thank you" invokes unexpected results.  This mornings "Message" from Spirit reminded me that  growing up  in a  dysfunctional environment had a Silver Lining.  My artistic creative parents didn't  indoctrinate with negative 'traditional' programing I noticed in peers and  encouraged me to express creativity without limits/follow my own path. Thank you.


Although not HoOponopono, this contains embedded healing vibes, try it and see.

Thank you Crystal Anne: Edgar Cayce, famed American trance channel known to many as The Sleeping Prophet, taught through his readings that the lines of The Lord’s Prayer in fact correlated with the seven major chakras, and stated that the recitation of and meditation upon this prayer was a way by which an individual might bring these chakras into health and balance. The following breaks down the lines of the prayer as well as the specific chakras they impact. I have color-coordinated each line based on the color associated with the chakra to which it relates, in order to facilitate visualization during meditation.

The Lord’s Prayer For Chakra Health
Our Father, which art in heaven (correlates with third-eye chakra, 6th, indigo)
hallowed be thy  name (correlates with crown chakra, 7th, violet)
thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (correlates with the throat chakra, 5th, blue)
Give us this day our daily bread (correlates with with root chakra, 1st, red)
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors (correlates with the solar plexus chakra, 3rd, yellow)
And lead us not into temptation (correlates with navel chakra, 2nd, orange)
But deliver us from evil. (correlates with the heart chakra, 4th, green)
For thine is the kingdom (correlates with the throat chakra, 5th, blue)
and the power (correlates with the crown chakra, 7th, violet)
and the glory forever. (correlates with the third eye chakra, 6th, indigo)


I never was good at applying the Inner Child process and didn't want to do it even per Dr Hew Len until I understood the Inner Child aka the subconscious mind.  I got that.  I knew the subconscious mind is creative and takes us at our word and reflects accordingly so could see how Inner Child dialogue is a way to access it.  I view these as software playing on perpetual create so beware.  It manifests whatever we give it.


An interesting result processing HoOponopono "Thank you" on everything is the paradoxal  calming effect on mood per Eckhart Tolle secret and  Franz Kafka right results come to us right where we are. When things go south, there's a degree of faith involved since we habitually want to resist anything negative.  When that happens we might remind ourself that socalled negative experiences may have a silver lining. The advanced see everything a sign wonderful things are on the way per Neville "Signs follow, they do not precede".  


Blue solar water is a powerful tool of Ho’oponopono. The Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono is based in taking 100% responsibility for everything around us. We are responsible for everything we see and experience; we have created 100% of it through our thoughts and memories.
To heal our reality, Ho’oponopono says, me must erase the memories that gave life to the thoughts that, in turn, created our world. Sometimes they are memories from our childhood, sometimes we inherited them from a previous generation, in both cases they can be removed so that we can create new thoughts. How do we do this? There are different ways, one of them is by drinking this water.
Every time we repeat a Ho’oponopono phrase, every time we drink blue solar water, we are asking the Divinity within us to remove the memories that made us think the way we did in order to create that which we do not like in our reality.


Awhile back I read that Dr. Hew Len says now just say  "Thank you".  In other words it isn't necessary to repeat the entire mantra "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you".  My understanding is when we say Thank you we are releasing whatever it is back to the Infinite to be handled.  This makes perfect sense to me but try it out for yourself.  


Are you aware of the metaphors your using? I noticed back in the 80's metaphors are creative ie a networker friend shared she used  to say "Give me a break" until it was literal and she broke her leg. 
Then along the way, I noticed some metaphors outa the blue, had a message, a label.  This really caught my attention so I monitor what I say & think.  I was amazed at how many metaphors I used, instead of saying what I meant. It was only fairly recently I noticed those with high energy were broadcast/sent from ?  Some are transparent, easy to notice and others are more subtle.  I used to say "Fat Cats" meaning those wealthy/conspicuous    consumers etc then realized often the fat was real, attracting excess weight.  
Words are creative and perhaps not even our origination. Beware. 


Today's Morning Message aka Spirit Speaks is the reminder there's only now. A dear soul sista crossed the Rainbow Bridge so I was replaying our shared memories and thinking about how brave she was to manage the dire cards she was dealt in life.  NOT!   Since the only past we have is the one we are creating at the present moment, I'm creating all the above, including all the fascinating nuances of my friends life, all my others and of course my own.  *Holy smoke!  I fell asleep/hypnotized again, replaying aka egoic mind software, perhaps entertaining some advanced hacker somewhere (alien?)  Gotcha!  When you catch 'ego it's rendered powerless so join me in remaining vigilant, awake and alert.  This is why Dr. Hew Len says to Clean constantly, good/bad, positive/negative-- it's all tech software.....sigh.
*Holy Smoke:  This more than just an exclamatory label, it's a descriptive one alerting us it's from the old gods (advanced civilization), Anunnaki probably, broadcasting to the susceptible/inserting smoke and mirror software per their unknown agenda on the unaware.


I've read some use  HoOponopono inner child dialogue in their business with great success, another example of the process results. Regarding outcomes, like many other creative processes, your success depends on your ability to concentrate.  Keep you attention fixed on what you wish to correct and continue the drill until it shifts, sometimes twenty minutes or so.  If you can't keep your focus, then do the drill on that!  
Which reminds me, whatever you wish to explore, focus attention on it until it responds aka Spirit Speaks.  Most negatives in life stem from creative source trying to get our attention and focus is the key to unlocking it.  This advanced technique will explain/dissolve perhaps more than you wanted to know so tread carefully, you may give up the blame game once processed.  Often it reveals no one was to blame..... can you handle that?


Dr. Hew Len inspires us to practice forgiveness, erasing our beliefs, both negative and positive. HoOponopono is the best process  to take total responsibility . It's not easy to practice, it requires monitoring our thinking, our words with complete dedication,  to heal  reality.  You won't find a great deal online about it, because there aren't that many advanced practitioners.  I've had intelligent people say they aren't guilty, merely revealing they don't believe they create their own reality, so they don't. I hope you'll join me to liberate ourselves and our others.