I'm happy to report this morning I feel normal-- normal like before I got sick.  My appetite returned last night for first time before chemo and the past couple of days I noticed feeling happy for no reason--- of course we should feel happy for no reason!  We forget or maybe never knew we could always feel happy in background of life, no manner what is going on in  reality.  It's a choice so make decision "I am Happy"!  Should you feel unhappy embrace that because someway/somewhere you created it. 


I chose to begin Hospice yesterday, it's wonderful plan that helps so much.  It's not giving up or throwing in the towel, just assistance in every way.  Of course I will continue herbal treatments etc.  Life is sweet.  


It's been 6 days since began 3 day chemo and was total misery.  I can only compare it to the Philippine flu I had in the '80's, that I wasn't sure I'd survive but did.  I am stopping chemo, what's the point if I sleep off and on and am completely miserable when awake?  It's a decision for quality of life not quantity of life.


Just finished first 3day chemo, main side effect fatigue, exhausted afterwards for hours.  I'm using other nontraditional as well, including The Unseen Therapist, fenben etc., HoOponopono, the latter may be even more unusual but why not?  Most of us store negative emotions that can create illness so try it.  The main thing is, accept the situation completely.  Look for the spiritual side of illness, what does it say? Pay attention.